Our first list of 25 Ways to Make Your Cat Happy was a hit with cat parents, so here are 25 MORE ways to make your cat purr with happiness!
- Read your cat a story. Perhaps he’d like one of these books about cats!
- Let your kids read to your cat, too. If they’re learning how to read, it’ll be great practice. And your cat doesn’t care if they make a mistake!
- Turn on your faucet to a slow drip and let kitty watch – and maybe even drink from it. Many cats prefer to drink from moving water. If your cat is one of them, get her a pet water fountain!
- Tummy rubs! …but only if your cat likes them.
- Paper bags. (They’re almost as much fun as cardboard boxes!)
- Before throwing away that water bottle, toss the cap to your kitty to bat around!
- When you and your cat lock eyes, close your eyes very slowly and then open them again. You’ll notice your feline friend will do it back to you. This is a sign of trust.
- Does your cat always follow you to the bathroom? Let him watch the water swirl down the drain when you flush!
- Give treats! Make things interesting by giving your kitty a novel protein she’s never tasted before. Maybe she’d like venison or rabbit?
- Play him some calming music, created especially for cats .
- How about a fun game of hide and seek? Make sure to give kitty a reward when she ‘finds’ you!
- Make a kitty obstacle course! Create a maze of empty cardboard boxes and paper bags for your furry friend to navigate.
- Add more vertical space by installing some cat shelves.
- Hang a bird feeder outside a window for your cat to watch.
- Get down to her level and give a gentle head butt! This is called bunting, and is a sign of affection when your cat does it to you!
- Make a fort with your couch cushions. Cats love forts as much as kids!
- Take a cat nap…with your cat.
- Three words: milk jug ring
- Take your feline friend on a magic carpet ride by dragging a blanket slowly around the house while kitty hangs on!
- Sing a song to your cat. Bonus points if you change the lyrics to include her name!
- Cats are happiest when you stick to a routine. If you can’t feed him at the same time every day, consider a programmable feeder.
- Do you keep a room or closet door closed all the time? Just this once, leave it open and let kitty explore the new room!
- Your cat would love to be extra warm and cozy. How about adding a heating pad to her bed?
- If your kitty loves catnip, see if she also enjoys Valerian or Silvervine.
- Make your own cat treats!
How do you make your cat happy? Tell us what else should we add to the list!