When the Easter Bunny goes hopping down the bunny trail to your house on Easter Sunday, don’t let him forget to leave a basket for your cat! Include your kitty in the Easter fun by creating something special – and safe – for them to enjoy. After all, cats are family, too!

Choosing Your Cat’s Easter Basket:
When it comes to choosing your pet’s Easter basket, a traditional woven basket isn’t the only option out there. Try thinking outside the box and bring a bit of fun into their holiday with something like a felt cat cave or deep-sided cat bed! Not only will all their little Easter goodies fit perfectly inside, but now they can enjoy it all in the comfort of their own special nook. And don’t worry about keeping it seasonal — these are pieces of furniture you can use year-round so your cat can feel extra loved no matter the time of year.

Filling Your Basket:
After you’ve picked the purrfect basket for your cat, now comes the fun part – filling it! Obviously, you won’t put chocolates in a basket for cats, since it contains caffeine and theobromine, which are highly toxic. And, you don’t want to use plastic Easter grass because it can cause an intestinal blockage if your cat swallows it. So, start with some shredded paper Easter basket filler or a soft, warm blanket.
Your basket should definitely include some new Easter-themed cat toys, like catnip-stuffed, Easter kicker carrots or catnip stuffed Peeps cat toys. Easter baskets are traditionally jam-packed with tasty goodies, so be sure to stock up on your cat’s favorite treats.

How about rabbit treats to stay with the theme? Check out Vital Essentials Rabbit Bites – but don’t be surprised when your cat begs for more! Cats traditionally LOVE rabbit! And, since the Easter Bunny comes at the beginning of Spring, it’s a great reason to include a grow-your-own catnip kit in kitty’s basket, too.
What’s an Easter basket without eggs? Get some of these colorful, plastic Easter eggs and fill them with your cat’s kibble or some treats. Your furry friend will have fun batting the wobbly eggs around, and the tasty treat inside will be a bonus!

One more thing…
While we think celebrating Easter with a cat is a purr-fect way to spend the holiday, it’s important to be aware of a few deadly dangers that are common at Easter. No one wants to spend a holiday in the animal emergency room!
• Keep lilies out of your house. Many lilies (including Easter lilies) are toxic to cats. Even the tiniest amount ingested, including just the pollen or water from a vase, can result in severe kidney failure and death. Lilies are very common in flower arrangements, so double-check any arrangements that come into your house.
• Keep traditional Easter baskets for kids away from your kitties. What is considered a fun treat for kids could become a deadly hazard to a cat. These things include plastic Easter grass, chocolates, and artificial sweeteners.
• Having family over for Easter? Give your cat a safe, quiet place to escape the festivities.
Happy Easter!
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