This man’s cat was upset with him, so he built an elaborate cardboard castle to try and get back in his good graces. And – it worked!
Billy Browne said his ginger and white kitty Rufus had an ear infection, so he had to give him painful ear drops for two weeks. If you’ve ever had to medicate a cat for any amount of time, you can guess what happened next.
“I would return from work and he would run from me!” he explained.
So, when Rufus’ ear infection was all better, Billy devised a plan to make it up to his furry friend. “I wanted to do something to show my gratitude for his putting up with my torture. Rufus loves boxes as all cats do so this is what I made for him.”
Check out his YouTube video, the making of “The Rufus Tower”
The Rufus Tower is made of about 40 boxes! And as you can see, Rufus approves. Guess Billy can consider himself forgiven…for now.