Meet Corduroy: The World’s Oldest Living Cat


Corduroy, the oldest living cat. Photo via Guiness World Records
Corduroy, the oldest living cat. Photo via Guiness World Records

Last week, Guiness World Records, the group famously known for listing world records of human achievements and the extremes of the natural world, confirmed that Corduroy – a cat living in Oregon, US, is the Oldest cat living after he recently turned 26 years old.

That’s pretty impressive, when you consider that the average lifespan of our feline friends is typically about 15 years!

Corduroy and Ashley. Photo via Guiness World Records
Corduroy and Ashley. Photo via Guiness World Records

Corduroy was born on August 1, 1989. He’s owned by Ashley Reed Okura who has had him since she was just 7 years old and he was just a tiny kitten.

According to Guiness:

On learning about her beloved pet’s achievement, Ashley said, “We are thrilled! I bought Corduroy a mouse to celebrate … it is wonderful to share him with the world.”

Corduroy isn’t the oldest cat on record, by a long shot. He still has a few years to go to pass the record for the Oldest Cat Ever, Crème Puff, who was born in 1967 and lived until 2005 – an incredible 38 years and 3 days! We’re rooting for you, Corduroy!