Whether you’re taking a short trip or working on the road full-time, caution and safety are essential if you’re traveling with a cat. Even if you know where you’re going, danger or uncertain circumstances may pop up at any time, so it’s vital to be ready for anything. Before you head out on your first trip, consider these tips for safe navigation on the open road while enjoying your adventure.

Budgeting On The Road
Before you head out on your trip, you should create a plan and a budget so you know exactly where you’ll go and how much you’ll spend to ensure that you won’t run out of money. Look at the hotels or lodgings you plan to stay in, research the restaurants along the way, factor in any other potential detours, and note how much they’ll cost. Then, compare that to your current funds.
Don’t forget that you’ll need to also pay for items for your cat. Unless you already own everything, you’ll want to purchase a cat carrier, a harness to keep kitty by your side, and food and water bowls for the ride. Also, pack a cat first aid kit, which should include pet-friendly bandages, tape, and antiseptic.
You’ll also need a plan to keep funds available and manage money on the move. That starts with using online banking apps to access your cash at any time. You should also ensure that you always have more than one way to pay bills while on the road, as some hotels may require credit cards while other places may only accept cash. Finally, set up automatic bill payment to ensure bills are paid even if you’re off the grid or without the internet.
Protect Your Cat And Yourself
Having the ability to defend yourself and stay safe is vital when you’re traveling to different places, especially locations where you’ve never been. If you’re hurt, your cat’s health may also be in jeopardy, so always be aware of your surroundings and be ready for anything. If you’ve never been to one before, it’s a good idea to take a self-defense course, where you can learn the basics, like how to get out of an attacker’s grip and how to disable a bad guy if they’re causing you pain.
When you’re packing for the trip, consider bringing pepper spray and putting it in a purse, bag, or glove compartment just in case of an emergency. Using it could allow you and your cat to escape a dangerous situation quickly. If you like the idea but you’re unsure how to use it, you can take self-defense courses that teach you about the ins and outs of pepper spray. There you’ll learn how to use the spray properly, the different sprays available, and how to consider factors like wind direction before you press the button.

You also need to keep your cat safe, especially while driving. While it’s common to see animals in cars, there aren’t many official safety regulations in place that say how pets must be secured. However, even without a written rule, you must secure your cat because a sudden stop or crash could lead to the injury of a free-roaming feline in the car. Keep the cat in a carrier to protect your pet, and place the carrier securely on the seat so it doesn’t fall.
What To Bring For Your Cat
Don’t forget to take care of your kitty’s basic needs during the trip. Keep your cat hydrated and fed. Make it a point to take breaks during the trip to allow your pet to stretch their legs. Attach a leash and collar every time you go outside so you don’t lose sight of kitty.
Even though your cat is covered with warm fur (unless they’re a Canadian Sphynx!), if you’re traveling during the colder months, ensure their safety with cozy apparel. There are many outfits available, from a quilted cat coat to a little jacket with cozy sherpa lining that will protect them from the elements.
Finally, bring some interactive toys and items to keep your cat entertained during long stops. Playing with toys provides your kitty with mental and physical stimulation and will keep them from going stir-crazy. If your cat becomes bored, they could also get depressed, and you don’t want a sad furry friend during your journey.
Before your next trip, take the steps necessary to ensure your safety and make your cat as comfortable as possible. It’s the best way to enjoy your adventures and create a more meaningful bond.
About the Author: Katie Brenneman

Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, and animal-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or snuggling with her cat, Clementine. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter.
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