The Time is Meow: Kentucky Demo-Cat Officially Running for President


Credit: Limberbutt 2016

It’s time for the Secret Service to start brushing up on their litter scooping skills because, finally, there’s a Presidential candidate we can ALL get behind!

Limberbutt McCubbins is a cat.

Isaac Weiss, a 17-year-old senior at duPont Manual High School in Louisville, Kentucky thought it would be funny to enlist his friend’s cat in the ever-crowded 2016 Presidential race. The cat belongs to 18-year-old Emilee McCubbins, also a senior at Manual.

According to Federal Election Commission filings, Limberbutt McCubbins is a Democrat (or as Weiss puts it, a “demo-cat”).

According to

Weiss and Emilee McCubbins say they have already gotten letters about Limberbutt’s candidacy—some going as far as to ask for proof of the cat’s citizenship. Other letters are seeking information about possible volunteer opportunities to help get McCubbins in the White House.

“I got a letter in the mail from a lawyer wanting to represent him,” McCubbins said. “I’ve gotten numerous emails.”

Weiss added: “It does not appear that they know that he is indeed a cat.”

You can follow Candidate McCubbins’ campaign via his official Facebook page or his website, Support the campaign by buying campaign swag, like t-shirts and mugs!

McCubbins is not the first animal to become a presidential candidate. Others include a pig named Pigasus the Immortal in 1968 and Molly the Dog in 2008.

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