7 Weird Things Cats Love (And The Reasons Behind Them!)


Ever noticed your cat doing something hilariously weird, and you just can’t figure out why? You’re not alone! Cats have a knack for keeping us guessing, and their quirky habits are a big part of their charm. In this article, we’ll explore seven weird things cats love that you wouldn’t expect, backed by some science and feline behavior insights.

black and white cat climbing into paper bag, weird things cats love

1. The Smell of Bananas and Other Strong Odors

Why Cats Love It: Cats have an incredible sense of smell, much stronger than ours. While you might wrinkle your nose at the scent of a ripe banana, some cats actually find it fascinating. The strong odor stimulates their olfactory senses, which can be incredibly enriching for them.

Scientific Explanation: Cats possess a unique organ called the Jacobson’s organ, located on the roof of their mouth. When they encounter strong odors, they often open their mouths slightly to better analyze the scent. This is called the Flehmen response, and it helps them process complex smells.

Enrichment Tip: Introduce new, strong-smelling objects to your cat’s environment safely. Whether it’s a banana peel or a piece of citrus fruit, just make sure it’s non-toxic and only for short periods to keep their curiosity piqued.

2. The Allure of Running Water

Why Cats Love It: Many cats seem to have an obsession with running water. They might jump into the sink or watch the faucet drip for hours. The movement and sound of water can mimic natural streams, triggering their hunting instincts.

Scientific Explanation: In the wild, running water is often safer and cleaner than stagnant pools. Your cat’s fascination with running water could be an instinctual behavior aimed at finding the safest drinking source.

Enrichment Tip: Consider getting a pet water fountain. It provides a constant flow of fresh water and satisfies your cat’s curiosity while keeping them hydrated.

3. The Fascination with Crinkly Paper and Plastic Bags

Why Cats Love It: Another of the weird things cats love is the sound and texture of crinkly paper or plastic bags can be irresistible to cats. The noise mimics the rustling of leaves or small animals, sparking their hunting and playing instincts.

Scientific Explanation: Cats are natural hunters, and the crinkly sound can simulate the noise of prey moving through the underbrush. This stimulates their predatory instincts, making it a fun and engaging activity for them.

Enrichment Tip: Create a crinkly play area with safe, non-toxic materials, like paper bags or crinkly toys. Never, ever, allow your cat to play with plastic bags unsupervised.

gray cat laying on her back welcoming a belly rub, weird things cats love

4. The Joy of Belly Rubs (From Trusted Humans)

Why Cats Love It: While many cats guard their bellies fiercely, some absolutely love a good belly rub—from humans they trust. This vulnerable position shows that they feel secure and enjoy the physical contact.

Scientific Explanation: When a cat exposes its belly, it’s showing a high level of trust. For some cats, belly rubs can be a comforting and enjoyable experience, much like how we enjoy a back massage.

Enrichment Tip: Always approach belly rubs gently and respect your cat’s boundaries. If they seem to enjoy it, incorporate it into your bonding time. If they don’t like it, don’t force them to endure it.

5. The Nerve-Wracking Habit of Chewing on Electrical Cords

Why Cats Love It: Chewing on electrical cords is a common but dangerous habit, especially in kittens. The texture and dangling nature of cords can be incredibly enticing.

Scientific Explanation: Kittens explore the world with their mouths, and electrical cords can mimic the texture of prey. Add that they are often dangling and touching one part of the cord can make the whole thing wiggle makes them an attractive chew toy, albeit a hazardous one.

Enrichment Tip: Keep cords out of reach and provide safe alternatives like chew toys or cat-safe plants. Consider cord protectors to reduce the risk of electrical hazards.

tabby kitten chewing on electrical cord, weird things cats love

6. The Attraction to High Places

Why Cats Love It: Cats love to perch on high surfaces, from bookshelves to kitchen cabinets. Being up high offers them a sense of security and a great vantage point to observe their surroundings.

Scientific Explanation: In the wild, high places offer safety from predators and a strategic spot to survey their territory. This instinctual behavior carries over to domestic cats, making them feel secure and in control.

Enrichment Tip: Invest in cat trees or wall-mounted shelves to satisfy their climbing instincts. It gives them a safe space to retreat and observe.

7. The Comfort of Cardboard Boxes

Why Cats Love It: There’s nothing quite like the sight of a cat squeezing into a cardboard box. Boxes provide a cozy, secure space that cats find irresistible.

Scientific Explanation: Cats love enclosed spaces like cardboard boxes because they offer security and warmth. The confined area helps them feel safe from potential threats while providing a perfect spot to hide and pounce.

Enrichment Tip: Keep a few cardboard boxes around for your cat to explore. Change them out regularly to keep things interesting and prevent them from becoming dirty or damaged.

Cats are fascinating creatures, full of quirks that keep us entertained and puzzled. From the smell of bananas to the allure of high places, understanding the weird things cats love can help us enrich their lives and strengthen our bond with them. Celebrate your cat’s unique quirks and consider incorporating some of these “weird things” into their environment for a happy, engaged kitty.

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