We can all agree that cats are unique and interesting creatures. Well, here are some more interesting and unique facts about cats that you probably didn’t know!

Cats Don’t Have Collarbones!
Cats don’t have collarbones – this allows them the flexibility to fit through openings the size of their heads.

Most Kittens Are Born with Blue Eyes
Most all kittens are born with blue eyes. They start to change color after about 3 weeks and by 12-16 weeks, they are the color they will remain into adulthood.

That’s a LOT of Hair!
The average cat has about 130,000 hairs per square inch! (That explains why there’s so much fur on the couch!)

Their Noses are as Unique as Your Fingerprint
The print on a cat’s nose has a unique ridged pattern and each one is different – just like a human fingerprint!

Gravity…and Cat Flaps
Sir Isaac Newton, the man who discovered the principles of gravity, is said to have also invented the first cat door.

They Can’t Taste Sweets
Cats do not have a sweet tooth. Scientists believe this is due to a mutation in a key taste receptor.

You Say Jump, They Say How High!
A cat can jump up to five times its own height in a single bound!

It’s All Greek to Me
A cat lover is called an Ailurophilia – Greek for cat & lover.

Sweaty Feet
Cats don’t have sweat glands over their bodies like humans do. Instead, they sweat through the pads of their feet.

Day-Glo Urine!
Cat urine glows in the dark when a black light shines on it. If you think your cat or kitten has had an accident in your home, use a blacklight to find the mishap.

Lefty or Righty?
The majority of cats are right-pawed (50 percent), 10 percent are ambidextrous, and the remaining 40 percent favor their left paw. To determine if your cat is left or right-pawed, hold a toy just out of reach and see which paw they reach with. (Do it several dozen times to know for sure!)

Disney isn’t Just Famous for that Mouse…
Since 1955, Disneyland has kept feral cats on the premises to control the real-life mice that roam the park. By day, the cats are kept in feeding stations, by night the cats wander the park in search of (non-cartoon) rodents!
Do you have a weird cat fact to add? Comment below!
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