Does Your Cat Have Seasonal Allergies? Here’s What You Need to Know


Spring is upon us, and if you’ve recently noticed your cat sneezing a lot, having watery eyes, or rubbing their face on everything, they might have seasonal allergies. Just like humans, cats can be allergic to various things in their environment depending on the season. In this article, we will discuss how to tell if your cat has seasonal allergies and what you can do about it.

cat with seasonal allergies

Can cats have seasonal allergies?

Yes, cats can experience seasonal allergies just like humans. There are several common allergens in the environment that cats can be sensitive to, such as pollen from trees and flowers, grasses, mold spores, and dust mites.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies in cats are similar to what we experience with allergies, including:

  • sneezing
  • runny nose
  • itchy eyes, ears, and skin
  • coughing and wheezing
  • excessive grooming
  • hair loss
  • redness on their paws or belly

If your cat is displaying any of these symptoms, it’s important to take them to the veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Your vet will be able to determine which allergens are present in your environment that may be causing the reaction.

How do you treat seasonal allergies in cats?

Once your vet has ruled out any other medical conditions, they can recommend treatments to help reduce your cat’s allergic reactions, such as antihistamines or immunotherapy. If you have concerns about using medications, there are some natural remedies that may work for cats with seasonal allergies, such as homeopathic remedies or dietary changes.

A word of warning: Don’t ever give your cat human allergy medicine without the advice of your veterinarian. While some of it is safe at lower doses (and may even be prescribed to your cat), some other human allergy medications have additional ingredients that are toxic to cats.

How can you reduce your cat’s seasonal allergies at home?

Besides getting treatment from the veterinarian to relieve the symptoms, It’s important to reduce the allergens in your environment as much as possible with some good ol’ spring cleaning. This may mean keeping windows and doors closed, using HEPA air filters and changing them frequently, and cleaning surfaces frequently with a damp cloth.

Additionally, be sure to clean your cat’s bedding, cat trees, and toys frequently, as allergens tend to stick to fabric and carpeting. If you’re using clay litter, consider switching to a 100% dust-free option or a different style of litter that isn’t dusty as cats with allergies tend to also be sensitive to dust.

Finally, try giving your cat a soothing bath to help remove any allergens that may have stuck to their fur. This can help provide some relief and reduce any itching they may be experiencing due to seasonal allergies. If your kitty won’t tolerate a bath, try using bath wipes made especially for cats. For baths, we use and highly recommend DermAllay oatmeal shampoo and for wipes, we absolutely love TrueBlue Fresh Fur cat wipes.

Caring for a cat with seasonal allergies can be challenging, but it’s important to take the necessary steps so that your pet feels comfortable and healthy. If your cat is displaying symptoms of seasonal allergies, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. With the right treatment and preventive measures, you can help keep your cat’s allergies under control.

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