Your washing cycle has finished, you’re ready to hang your clothes up to dry, but what’s this? Cat hair all over your best outfits? It’s a common problem when you have pets, and cat hair gets absolutely everywhere. It can feel frustrating, but what if we told you that removing cat hair from your clothes after a washing machine cycle isn’t impossible?
Cat hair might be difficult to get rid of at times, but removing it from your clothes in the washing machine is actually a lot simpler than you might think. Here are our top tips for clean clothes that aren’t covered in your feline friend’s stray hairs.
Dryer Then Washer
One popular method is to throw your clothes in the dryer for ten minutes before you wash them in the washing machine. This is because the heat loosens the hairs, capturing them in the lint trap, and leaving clothes a lot cleaner than before. This also means that when they go in the washing machine, the hairs are easier to remove and there are less of them to help stop clogs.
Pick a Good Washing Machine
When you choose your washing machine, make sure you get one that has a high RPM for better cleaning capabilities as well as a model that has a wide range of settings so that you can find one that matches both your clothing material as well as things like pet hair and grim. There are loads of great washers to choose from, and you don’t need to spend a fortune to get one.
Lint Roller
A classic tool, it should never be forgotten. Once you have washed your clothes, run the lint roller over them before they are sent to dry. This will collect the loose hair efficiently, so once they have finished drying there will be barely any hair left on them. If there are some, you can run the roller over them once more just to get the last few stragglers.
Wash Pet Bedding
Your cat’s bed is the place where the most hair gathers, and you need to be washing their bedding at least once a week to help keep the hair levels down. This will also prevent too much cat hair from getting on your clothing, reducing the amount of time you spend getting rid of hair so that your clothes are wearable again.
White Vinegar
Add half a cup of white vinegar to your load of laundry to loosen the hairs and help keep your clothes clean. It works wonders, deodorizing and disinfecting your clothing at the same time so that you get exceptional results across the board and can relax in clothes that look clean, but also smell clean. If you are washing your pet’s bedding and want to use a natural detergent that doesn’t irritate their skin or remove their scent, there’s a great list of laundry detergent alternatives here.
Clean the Filter
Your washing machine has a filter, and pet hair gets trapped here and can clog things up. This means that hair ends up in the water while your clothes are being washed – leaving you with perpetually hairy clothes. You should ensure that this is emptied and cleaned once a week to keep on top of the cat hair levels and keep your clothes feeling a lot less itchy and looking great.
To Conclude
Whether it’s for an office meeting or just a trip to the supermarket, none of us want to be covered in cat hair. To help keep your clothes looking presentable, all of the above tips and tricks are sure to help you achieve a clean and fur-free look in no time at all. The best part? They are all incredibly simple to follow and none of them will cost you a fortune.
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