Behavior Mod.
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Our cats are creatures of comfort, and a clean litter box is non-negotiable for them. So, how often should we
Have you ever noticed your cat giving you the cold shoulder when you cuddle a new pet? Or glaring at
Winter is here! It’s the season of oversized sweaters, hot cocoa, and endless nights binge-watching your favorite series. It’s also
Independence Day, the 4th of July, is a day of fun-filled family cookouts, barbecues, swimming, and good-times. But, because of […]
The popularity of working from home has grown in recent years, as more and more people are looking for ways […]
It’s widely believed that spraying a cat with a water bottle when they’re doing something you don’t want is an […]
We all know that cats are adorable little packages of fur and feline attitude, but they also come with their […]
Cats may have a reputation for being aloof and carefree. But, deep down they are actually very sensitive, complex creatures. […]
We love our cats, but there are some common issues cat parents face that can be quite frustrating. These include […]
What is Spraying? One of the most common behavioral problems in cats is “spraying.” Not to be confused with kitty […]
Is your cat bored, lazy, or just plain disinterested? Has your feline friend grown tired of the same old furry […]
Most of the time our cats are purr-fect companions, but every once in a while they exhibit some less than […]
While most of our beloved cats are purr-fect companions, some of them have a few habits that are unacceptable – […]