Slideshow: Awkward Cat Family Photos


We scoured the web and found the most hilarious, hideous, awkward and just plain awful family portraits…all including cats! Grab your bottle of eye bleach and then take a look!

Wrong. Just Wrong.

Wrong. Just wrong.

Real men love cats! And apparently, so do dorky guys with mullets and ugly sweaters.

80’s Attack!

80's Attack!

This would only be better (or worse?) if the lasers were coming straight out of the cat’s eyes. And maybe shooting into mine and blinding me so I’d never have to see this photo again.

Three Men and a Tabby

Three Men and a Tabby

Is this a family photo? Or are these veterinarians? Perhaps a law firm or some elite club for men who like facial hair and tabby cats. We won’t judge!

Slightly Crazy Cat Lady

Slightly Crazy Cat Lady

As another person who owns 6 cats, I’d like to know how she got all of them to sit still for a photo. Impressive! Catnip-infused royal blue pantsuit, maybe?



Thank the lord these are fairly large cats with lots of fur. That is all.

One for Each of Us!

One for Each of Us!

I’d say the cats actually improve the photo in this case, wouldn’t you?

Sphynx Family

Sphynx Family

Notice how every single cat is trying desperately to escape…wouldn’t you?

The Floating Head

The Floating Head

Ok, I can’t lie. I kinda like this one.

Space Kitty

Space Kitty

This photo is out of this world! No, really. The cat is the least awkward thing about it.

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