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A new year means new opportunities—not just for us, but for our furry companions too! If you’re a cat parent,

Our Encounter with Loyal, the Pet Life Extension Pharma Company Attending the VMX Veterinary Show in Orlando this January was

Why does my cat meow so much? Excessive meowing could be due to seeking attention, letting you know they’re hungry,

In recent years, cat cafes have become extremely popular amongst retirees. Spending just a few minutes with a cuddly friend […]

When adopting a cat to provide emotional support, there is quite a bit of pressure to make this new relationship […]

Salute, feline enthusiasts and history buffs! In the spirit of recently celebrating Veterans Day, we often reflect on the brave […]

Pearl Pearl, a grey Burmese cat, had fought for a long time to be a therapy cat. Placed next to […]

Cats are often considered to be excellent additions to any home. But what about workplaces? More businesses are open to […]

Cats have an extraordinary ability to read humans and interpret their feelings. They can sense hormone imbalances and changes in […]

Fenrir, a 2-year-old therapy cat often joins his human is Dr. Will Powers, a Michigan family physician, at his practice […]

If you deal with anxiety, stress, depression, or any other mental health issue, then you may benefit from an emotional […]

It’s estimated that more than 19 million Americans aged 12 or older have experienced some form of substance use disorder […]

Optina Monastery is an Eastern Orthodox refuge in Kozelsk, Russia. A daily procession of blessings is among the many ancient […]

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