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Have you ever wondered if your cat’s quirky behavior might be connected to their gut health? Yes, we’re talking about

Our Encounter with Loyal, the Pet Life Extension Pharma Company Attending the VMX Veterinary Show in Orlando this January was

Ah, winter. The time for cozy sweaters, hot cocoa, and… shivering cats? Wait, what? Yes, believe it or not, our

It seems a certain pants-wearing mouse isn’t the only character to grace the silver screen in Disney movies. Cats have […]

Star Wars fans’ favorite holiday just passed (May the 4th), followed by another great holiday (Revenge of the 5th). And […]

Molly, a cocker spaniel, is the world’s first trained cat detection dog. You’ll love this story! [playbuzz-item url=”//”]

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Like many who celebrate the 5th of May each year, cats don’t understand what they’re celebrating, but […]

Cats are Kings of the Internet. Here are 21 tweets that prove it! Bet you’ll laugh! [playbuzz-item url=”//”]

We found proof that dogs are smart…and cats are smarter! Check out this hilarious compilation of home videos of dogs […]

The furred and four-legged patients at Fox Hollow Animal Hospital are as calm as can be, thanks to a musically […]

While they are most notorious for sleeping all day, as long as there have been movies, cats have made appearances in them! […]

“Felix” is a black and white moggy who lives at the Royal Docks Management Authority at the river Thames in London, […]

Newport, Oregon, police decided to have a little bit of fun after a photo surfaced of a cat in a tree […]

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