Breed Selector



abyssinianBelonging to the agouti or ticked breed, the Abyssinian has a silky, multi-colored coat exterior that comes from the mix of shade patterns on each of its hair shaft. Every strand has dark bands that contrasts with the light strips which then ends with dark tips; giving the Abyssinian its ticking, stunning appearance. The medium-sized breed generally has a pair of almond-shaped eyes, which could either be green and golden in color.

While it’s clear that the Abyssinian was developed as a cat breed in Great Britain; its exact origin, however, is still unknown. Some experts propose that the earliest Abyssinians were taken along to England by soldiers who returned home from the Ethiopian war in 1868. Nevertheless, others suggest that the line originated from cross breeds of the remaining brown and silver tabby cats with the native “bunny” ticked lines of Britain. New genetic indication, on the other hand, puts forward that the Abyssinian actually started off along the Indian Ocean coasts and some other parts of Southeast Asia in the 1830s.


Although born with exquisite features, the Abyssinian is not for show. Typically marked out as naturally curious, courageous, and high-spirited, this cat does not enjoy being handled much. Although it possesses an independent mind, Abyssinians have the tendency to insist on taking part in every facet of its owner’s life. Considered to be very playful and active, this cat is also recognized as the amusing class clown. It enjoys crawling under covers, drifting down your lap, and even perching on your shoulder when you expect it the least. Life is surely never boring when you have this breed at home. Even as adults, Abyssinians can remain full of fun and switch between episodes of frenzied doings and complete relaxation. This cat is branded to be skilful hunters

Health Concerns

Despite the fact that Abyssinians are normally healthy, the breed has been found to be prone to developing the following medical issues: gingivitis and tooth decay, psychogenic alopecia which is a stress-related hair loss, dilated cardiomyopathy, renal amyloidosis which is a predisposition to kidney disorder, congenital hypothyroidism, hyperaesthesia syndrome, nasopharyngeal polyps, and progressive retinal atrophy.

Best Environment

Abyssinians grow well in an indoor living setup. Because of their very short hair, the breed is highly susceptible to becoming chilled during cold weather. Breeders highly recommend that Abyssinians are kept indoors in order to promote a safe and healthy, long life. They are very sociable and would rather easily get along well with other cats and pets. The breed, however, need a fixed role in the family and should never be left alone for too long as they can become jaded and quite destructive. Abyssinian cats, in general, make great household companions and are considered to be among the most amiable of all outlandish domestic breeds of cats.

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