Breed Selector



himalayanAlso called as the Color-point Persian, or simply known as Himmy, the Himalayan cat is one of the most well-liked breed among the long-haired feline varieties. Ranging from a wide array of stunning coat colors (including chocolate, lilac, seal, lilac cream, blue-cream, blue, cream tortie, chocolate tortie, red, and several lynx shades), the fur of this gorgeoous cat is long, glossy and very dense. While its body color varies between white and pale fawn, its color-points, however, are often evenly distributed on the face, legs, ears, and tail. Like any other Persian cat, the Himmy may also come in medium or large size with paws which are large and rather fluffy. Himalayans are stout, short and cobby, and their legs are heavily boned. The breed’s dazzling, big bright blue eyes are rounded out with its small perky ears. They have a broad head and a distinct ruff around their neck that looks a lot like a lion’s mane.


Considered to be more energetic than Persian cats, but more silent than the Siamese, the Himmies are gentle, peace-loving felines that are said to be loving, highly affectionate, and loyal to their owners; oftentimes demanding continuous attention and pampering from them. The breed is a sweet line that prefers to be in a familiar and secure environment. With kindness and support, they can readily adjust to lively and even boisterous living spaces. Despite their mellow and unobtrusive demeanor, Himalayan cats can also participate in playing a game of fetch and getting itself into mischief


Due to the breed’s very thick coat, Himalayan cats have to be combed every day in order to prevent its fur from matting. If not groomed frequently, their fur will interweave and tangle, and later form unattractive knots and mats. These will eventually result in fragile skin, irritation, pain and worse, weeping sores. To avoid high shedding, regular brushing has to be done with Himmies.

Health Concerns

Considered to be a fairly healthy cat, the Himmy is said to have an average lifespan of about 15 years or even more. They are at risk of developing a number of dermatological problems like eyelid cysts, dermatophytosis, facial dermatitis, Ehlers-danlos syndrome, and worse, skin tumors. The breed has also been reported to be prone to basal cell tumors, hyperaesthesia syndrome, calcium oxalate urolithiasis, and corneal sequestration.

Best Environment

Himalayan cats generally have to be housed indoors in order to keep their dense coat healthy and well-managed. Due to their constant craving for human interaction and companionship, the breed rarely does well when left unattended for extended periods of time. Also, like other cats with Persian ancestry, Himalayan cats are not especially athletic felines. It’s not very common for them to leap and climb like most breeds. As a matter of fact, this adorable homebody is a couch potato that would rather lounge on their owner’s laps or on soft pillows than chip in vigorous activities.



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